is the package manager akin to NPM in node. If the participants
have installed and it works then the DeComm NFT canister will
- Standardized definition from Internet Computer
responisble for storing the transaction log of the NFT's
- Standardized
definition from Internet Computer responsible for
defining the NFT
- Standardized
definition from Internet Computer responsible for
the approve workflow. Where the token (either unique or can
contain a supply cap) is then transefered or allowed as a
sub-owner of the token. Based on how it's defined in the
- These are all functions that implement those
standards. We've also included endpoints that can be invoked
in order to define a token, mint it, and transfer it. We've
setup a testing function called test_workflow. Participants
can deploy the canister and invoke this function using the
candid UI. It will help them visualize how the NFT is
created, minted, approved for transfer, checked for
approval, transfered to the new owner or added as a
subowner, and lastly checking the transaction log to view
the NFT transaction.
- There is another function called
test_create_collection that creates a new collection (not
Knowledge token) through motoko code rather than the CLI.
This will also help them visualize how the NFTS are defined
and minted.
- One last function is the innit function that
creates the Knowledge token ICRC7 NFT and also initilizes
the ICRC37 and ICRC3 code based on how they we're defined in
their respective files.
Once users are comfortable with the
workflow of how NFTs work. They can then refactor the main
DeComm aaplication.
There are several ways to implement this based on how the
participants would like to approach it. One way (but not the only way!) is to refactor
the main code base allowing sellers to define their own NFT
which can be bought with the Knowledge Token and buyers to be
subowners of the Knowledge Token NFT once they have purchased
the product.
- Import the
NFTCanister in the main/ (Define it as a dependency
for the backend in dfx.json).
- A seller will
invoke the createProduct from the frontend. Define a new NFT
which can be done in a similar fashion to the
test_create_collection. Passing it arguments rather than
being hard coded.
- In the backend createProduct function take in
the (_msg) message caller as an argument or any sort of
identifier that can be used to identify that the user will
be the owner of the NFT.
- Create the product and once the product has
been created successfully, call the relevant function in
NFTCanister/ in this case a modified
test_create_collection that takes in arguments and pass it
the relevant arguments such as the name of the NFT the url
of the image etc.
- Then mint the NFT and verify that it has been
- Return true to the user if the above step has
been done successfully.
- A buyer
would like to purchase the NFT:
- Once a user invokes the purchase method, call
the relevant function from NFTCanister/ which will
add the person who purchased the NFT to be added as a the
new owner or a subowner of the NFT.
- This can be done in a similar fashion to the
test_workflow function. Where they can use the same exact
function modify it a bit in order to take arguments such
as an identifier of who is purchasing the NFT.
- The token can either be transfered to that
buyer or they can be added as a subowner. Code it as you
see fit.
- You can call the relevant NFT functions in the
for loop of the purchase method in the main/
- I'm emphasizing
the importance of the test_workflow and
test_create_collection here. As deploying them and running
them through the candid UI will better help you visualize
how the whole process works.
- Lastly get acquainted
with identifiers such as the _msg, pricinpals, and
Principal.fromActor(this), ICRC7.Account, etc... These are
all key identifiers on who calls the functions and who
owns or will be the owners of the NFTs.